Grade: C
Stand-up comedy documentaries are becoming a dime a dozen, and this one falls at best in the middle of the pack. “Allah Made Me Funny: Live in Concert” showcases a Los Angeles performance that features sets by three Muslim-American comics—Palestinian-American Mohammed “Mo” Amer, Chicago-based Indian-American Azhar Usman and African-American Bryant “Preacher” Moss, who converted to Islam from his family’s traditional Christianity. Some “behind the scenes” footage is inserted showing the comics at home working on their material; otherwise the film is a straightforward concert record, taped adequately but without any particular flair.
Enjoyment of the picture will depend on your reaction to the comics and their jokes: the performers are amiable, but the material is only mildly amusing. Amer is pleasant but rather pallid, while Usman is more impressive if only for his bushy, burly appearance. Best of all, in terms of delivery, is Moss, whose set also scores in sharpness. By contrast Amer and Usman offer observations, mostly of a personal nature, that may evoke the occasional chuckle but very few, if any, belly-laughs.
Of course the live audience reacts enthusiastically, and perhaps they’ll serve as the equivalent of a laugh-track to induce merriment in the theatre. If that was the intent, though, in at least one instance it didn’t work.